Tips for Creating Effective Recruitment Advertisements

Do you have a vacant position that needs to be filled in your organization and you intend recruiting by yourself? Then you must be prepared to do some advertisements in order to create awareness for your listing. Whether you’re putting up ads on social media platforms, or you’re buying space in a local newspaper; the role of advertising cannot be underestimated in recruitment. The more awareness you create for your vacancy, the higher your chances of getting a candidate who is a perfect fit.
Successfully conducting recruitment advertisements can be considered to be an art. Hence, if it is done poorly, you might attract candidates who are not a professional fit for your organization. This points to why some organizations prefer to outsource their recruitment process. But if you prefer to manage your recruitment process by yourself, we have compiled some tips that can help you get better results from your advertisements.
1. Determine your channels:
The very first step to take is to determine what channels you would be using to push your recruitment advertisements. This way, you are able to tailor your advertisement to suit the peculiarities of the platform. For the sake of clarity, your most promising channel would be wherever your ideal candidate spends the bulk of their time. Once you’re clear about your most suitable channel, it behoves you to tailor your ad to the platform; and particularly, your target audience.
2. Attempt split testing:
One of the key components of advertisement is split testing – or A/B testing. In this context, split testing is the system of creating two different versions of the same ad to see which one performs better. To do this effectively, you must be able to determine your metrics for measurement. This way, you are able to track which of your ads is performing better.
3. Determine your budget:
If you aim to recruit a professional candidate, then you must be prepared to assign a budget towards achieving that. Some of the costs you incur will be internal. For instance, the cost of salaries, the cost of a recruitment automation software, and so on. On the other hand, some external costs would as well be incurred. These external costs would include the cost of advertising the vacancy, the cost of running background checks on the potential employee, and so on. Determining your budget from the start would help you to keep track of your expenses, and help to curb excesses.
4. Use compelling images:
If you want to get tractions for your job ad, then it behoves you to make use of images that depict the message you’re trying to pass across to your prospective employees. By all means, images that go out with recruitment advertisements must be images with high resolution. Using low-quality, blurry or poorly captured images would create a wrong impression about your organization.
5. Be specific about your target audience:
When using traditional advertising media, you select your audience based on the generic qualities of their customers. On the other hand, pushing your recruitment advertisements out on social media avails you many options. With social media, you have the luxury of targeting specific demographics. Hence, you should be smart enough to tap into the full potentials of this opportunity.
6. Clearly iterate needs and wants:
A compelling job advertisement should clearly express the qualities that are expected of the suitable candidate. Even more, it should spell out other qualities that would serve as an added advantage to whoever would be applying. This way, applicants are clear on the person specification and unqualified applicants can filter themselves out even before applying.
7. Use landing pages effectively:
For the sake of clarity, landing pages are pages on your website that are designed specifically to give great details about the job. On your landing page, you can explain in details the specific requirements of a job or the characteristics of your ideal candidate. For optimum results, it is good to have landing pages speak directly to your recruitment advertisement. For instance, the picture(s) on your ad should appear on your landing page. This way, applicants are rest assured that they are not visiting a broken or wrong link.

Having put word out about your job vacancy, how then do you manage the influx of applications when they come? At this point, you should consider automating your recruitment process. For instance, KlinHR is a solution that gives you the luxury of filtering applications with ease. Furthermore, the solution avails you the option of sending interview invites to thousands of applicants with the click of just one button. Ultimately, Outsource HR is an HR outsourcing solution that helps to manage your workforce from the point of recruitment right up until disengagement.